Last year, Amazon shuttered an algorithm the team was developing because it realized it was biased. The algorithm was developed by the company’s engineers to look at high-performing employee profiles and then select the right candidates from the firm’s resume database. The problem? The algorithm favored men in its selection process. When this story hit…

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Recently we’ve been getting more requests for help from a broad variety of employers and vendors in the industry. They have typically seen our research published somewhere or heard me speak at an event. However, they may also have been referred to us by one of our existing customers or simply found the podcast or…

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It never fails. Almost every time I speak to audiences about talent, technology, AI, or another related topic, I get a question very similar to this: I’m just curious. Do you see a trend towards consolidation in HR technology or are employers still relying on best-of-breed solutions to accomplish their goals?HR executive at Fortune 500…

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Last month news broke that an AI-powered facial recognition technology used by law enforcement was actually biased against, well, pretty much everyone other than white men. This news hit the public like a slap in the face, but it’s something I’ve been seeing behind the scenes for some time now. Artificial intelligence as a technology…

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Choosing the Right Talent It’s important to create a great candidate experience, because first impressions mean everything. Assessments, interviews, and post-interview interactions could make all the difference in choosing the right candidate for the job. As an employer, you are faced with the daunting task of selecting individuals to interview. Employers have to peruse through hundreds of applications…

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Onboarding is a period of time that varies by company but provides new employees with the necessary information and training to be successful in their new roles in an organization. As I pointed out last week, the average company loses 25% of new hires each year. The onboarding process should be simple, repeatable, and interesting.…

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