In some ways, hiring looks very similar to what it did twenty years ago. People search for positions, indicate interest, and are filtered down until the most promising candidate is offered a job. However, the technology we use has upgraded considerably over time. Today employers have tools to increase efficiency and efficacy, including video interviews,…

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  Earlier this summer we published a graphic detailing some of the top priorities for talent acquisition leaders this year. We received so much positive feedback on the data that we broke it out into a special eBook to explore each of the top priorities in greater detail. The link to the free PDF is…

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As HR is increasing its presence as a strategic part of the business, key performance indicators, or KPIs, are becoming a key part of the language for discussing how it is actually performing. Recruiting, in some ways, is actually easier to measure because it is very similar to sales: you either have results or you…

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In my last blog, I wrote about the importance of diversity and inclusion, the relationship between diversity and business performance, and some best practices for implementing the two in your company. And while the evidence for diversity improving business performance is clear. The question remains – how do I source and recruit diversity? Understanding diversity’s…

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I’m currently in the midst of a research project examining how some of the best and brightest companies in the world hire people analytics talent. This is a part of that research. If you’re interested in more details that don’t make it into my blog or LinkedIn Pulse content, feel free to reach out to me.…

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Each year brings new opportunities and priorities for HR and talent leaders. This year we began the inaugural Global Talent Acquisition Sentiment Study. With more than 400 votes, we at Lighthouse are excited about breaking down the data and showing what talent acquisition priorities matter most to businesses today. The infographic below is the first…

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There are a lot of moving parts in the world of talent acquisition. Our research at Lighthouse has shown us that many leaders know what they need to focus on, but they have trouble making it a priority. With that in mind, we’re asking you to complete the one-question survey below to help us understand…

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  I was somewhat nervous. See, a few weeks ago I had the opportunity to deliver my first ever Ignite-style presentation. In short, you get five minutes to explore a topic. The kicker? Your 20 slides auto-advance every 15 seconds, leaving you without any control. In the end the session went very well–one in the…

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