In our daily work with talent leaders and solution providers, we run into some incredible technology. Some of the tools available to organizations right now help them hire, develop, and retain their people, and the platforms and systems are amazing in their ability to support intelligent decisions, personalized actions, and more. According to some sources,…

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In our latest talent acquisition research study (join our upcoming livestream to be the first to see the findings), we see a dramatic growth in the number of employers that are not just comfortable in using intelligent automation in hiring, but that also say recruiting automation technologies are adding real value to their talent and business…

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With all of the news focusing on layoffs and potential economic challenges, it might surprise you to hear that employers hiring frontline staff are still struggling to find enough people to fill all of their open positions. In 2023, these challenges will continue, but employers that understand what the frontline workforce needs will be able…

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hr tech awards

Click here to download the full case study. Problems The Technology Solves 40-60% of known candidates for open jobs already exist in internal talent pools for companies with significant hiring needs. Yet, in the war for talent, recruiters often find that they have to invest in more tools and solutions to see more candidates to…

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