Last year I had an idea. I wanted to host a session and call it “mythbusting AI” after those awesome mythbuster guys on TV. Since I was a kid, I’ve loved breaking the things we know to be “true” by challenging conventional wisdom and pushing back against preconceived notions. It’s one of the things I…

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Companies often spend more time managing their petty cash drawer than they do thinking about the strategic importance of their compensation systems and structure.  That quote from a previous iteration of our research on compensation data, technology, and buyer behaviors was one of the big takeaways we had after interviewing dozens of HR and compensation…

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Last week our team put on a virtual event for 500+ HR and talent leaders called The State of Hiring in Today’s Talent Market. It was an amazing opportunity to look at how to innovate within the hiring process during this dynamic and disruptive time, and we had speakers sharing insights about: selection and screening practices…

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Talent mobility can help your company tap into the trillions in GDP growth coming in the next 25 years. That’s a big claim, but the connection is real. Research shows that as the world’s population grows and consumer demand grows along with it, the global GDP will increase to approximately three times its current size.…

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