Recently there’s been a considerable amount of discussion on LinkedIn about this concept called “talent density.” Essentially it means that employers have to ensure that they have a high-quality workforce (a high concentration, or density, of top performers). In my opinion it’s just another name for quality of hire, the top metric that talent acquisition executives say demonstrates the value of recruiting back to the business.

Quality of hire is harder to measure than the second most often used method, time to hire. Time to hire (or time to fill, its close relative) are both simple calculations of a begin and end date, but they don’t indicate the value of the candidate selected, the capability of screening practices, or other important measures of success in talent acquisition.

In the infographic below, we have drawn some of our top data points around quality of hire together to highlight how it’s measured pre- and post-hire, plus what employees have to say about the process of measuring hiring quality.

Want to see more information like this? Check out our latest 50+ page report on talent acquisition trends.

View/download the high-quality PDF version of this infographic