While there is a growing number of publications on generational differences, much is incorrect or misleading. Typically information falls into one of two categories: First, widely generalized statements that apply to anyone. Often these are a marketing exercise, like “Top 8 Tips for Managing Millennials in the Workplace.” Suggestions include tips like “explain the company…

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In the third and final installment in this series, we explore the difference between great and mediocre recruiting video content. The subject of the video, the placement, and the authenticity all play a role in making it more consumable for candidates (thus improving your ROI). Note that this is based in part on some recent…

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If you didn’t already know it, one of the information channels we provide at Lighthouse is a podcast called We’re Only Human. The focus of the discussions is often about how technology is changing the workplace, but we also speak with practitioners and other influencers to understand what’s working and how work is changing. Today’s…

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Recently we at Lighthouse have published two separate pieces focusing on some groundbreaking video recruiting research we performed. Those items can be accessed below, but we also wanted to take it a step further and explore the concepts from the research in video format. The interview below is just three minutes long and is the…

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Diversity has always been a hot topic in the HR profession, but it has exploded into national news with all of the announcements and discoveries of improper behavior in the past year (and new stories seemingly cropping up every week). Diversity is an important aspect of running a business as it is directly related to a…

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What’s the ROI of video? While it seems like a challenging question to answer, I’ll start you off with two scenarios: Your talent acquisition team partners with the marketing team and creates a beautiful, scripted ten-minute video exploring your company’s history, culture, and operations. The cost is $20,000. Your talent acquisition team visits with hiring…

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