(Subscribers click through to check out this episode) Our team has been researching diversity and inclusion with a specific look at how training can help (or hurt) D&I efforts. Stay tuned for our findings in the next few weeks, but today let’s take a look at the latest We’re Only Human podcast. In case you’re…

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In the 1980s, Hans Moravec and other AI researchers discovered a curious finding that we now know as Moravec’s Paradox. Essentially, AI can very easily learn to do things that are “hard” for humans, such as advanced statistics and analysis. On the other hand, things that are very simple for humans, such as identifying colors or…

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Imagine graduating from school with a degree in marketing only to find out that a significant portion of what you know is already outdated or inapplicable due to changes in the market. This is a reality of the working world today due to an increasingly fast-paced business environment, where disruption is the norm rather than…

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As we edge closer and closer to 2019, I’m receiving more and more questions from employers and vendors in the community about what trends I’m seeing. What will define the coming year? Obviously AI is going to be a big part of that, especially with my book coming out just before the new year starts,…

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My first love as an HR pro was recruiting. Within my first two or three weeks on the job my boss gave me my first recruiting assignment: find a UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter instructor pilot that wants to travel 90% of the time to locations across the United States. Needless to say it was an incredible…

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When the Industrial Revolution waned and knowledge workers became more common, what kinds of skills set apart the great employees from the not-so-great ones? No longer was a strong back or grip strength the only determining factor of someone’s long-term career options, because work became more mental than physical for many workplaces. The same shift…

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