Over the last two months our team has been talking with different technology firms and business leaders about what’s happening and what is next. The picture can vary depending on who you talk to and what they do, and we’ve found that there are some sources spreading information that ranges from helpful and informative to…

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hr technology mergers acquisitions

In 2019 there were dozens of mergers and acquisitions in the world of HR technology. This represents a vibrant industry full of continuous innovation and providers striving to serve the needs of the HR buyer. It also helps to highlight certain trends and shifts in how the market operates. For instance, several assessment and video…

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Recently we’ve been getting more requests for help from a broad variety of employers and vendors in the industry. They have typically seen our research published somewhere or heard me speak at an event. However, they may also have been referred to us by one of our existing customers or simply found the podcast or…

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