skills based hiring

I’ve had numerous conversations in the past week about skills in the workplace and their impact on how work gets done (or doesn’t get done). From a software solution that measures skills and keeps a running tally of strengths and weaknesses across the organization to platforms that use skills to tell a compelling, verifiable story…

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candidate experience metrics

Candidate experience matters. Despite companies saying it is increasingly difficult to find and hire quality candidates, many of them are not measuring or attempting to influence the candidate experience in a positive way. That’s like saying it’s important to eat healthy while you continue to pile up your plate with junk day after day. It’s a…

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Is there a single system in the world of HCM that’s more widely hated than the applicant tracking system? According to Key Interval’s Optimal HR Tech Stack, no there is not. If you haven’t read the full report (and you should), their survey of hundreds of leaders in human resources, talent management, and talent acquisition…

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