HR Tech Awards 2020 Case Study: Leadx
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Problems The Technology Solves
Leadership is the #1 driver of culture and employee engagement. Gallup research indicates that over 70% of the variance in engagement is tied to who the manager is (i.e., people join companies, but leave a boss). Conference Board research shows that “developing the next generation of leaders” is a top five priority among CEOs. And yet Gallup also famously stated, “Leadership development might be one of the most significant loss-making ventures in modern business.” It is well known that leadership skills are rarely applied back on the job. This “Knowing Doing Gap” results in “scrap learning” rate of 45-85%.
Additionally, front line “millennial managers” are rejecting sage-on-the-stage approaches to training and Conference Board/DDI research shows they are demanding management training that is (1) personalized, (2) coaching, and (3) on demand. While human executive coaching solves these problems, with costs from $500 to $2,000 per month per manager, these solutions are never rolled out to those who need them most: new front-line managers. LEADx scales and sustains leadership development, with AI-powered hyper-personalized 100%-digital leadership coaching. Managers use it, like it, and it leads to measurable results.
Click here to download the full case study.

Human Resource Data Analyst of Lighthouse Research and Advisory. Four years HR experience in the Alabama Army National Guard. Graduated from the University of Alabama in Huntsville with a Masters of Management Science in Human Resource Management in 2019. Current student in the Masters of Science in Business Analytics program.