4 Critical Skills for the Modern Payroll Practitioner
Of all the disciplines within HR, payroll is often given short shrift. It’s arguably the most essential component of how employees interact with the company, but it’s not “exciting” and therefore gets little attention in the industry. Let’s change that. Let’s stop assuming that payroll is where the least qualified HR people end up. Let’s…
Read MoreHR Tech Awards 2024: Winners Announced
In our daily work with talent leaders and solution providers, we run into some incredible technology. Some of the tools available to organizations right now help them hire, develop, and retain their people, and the platforms and systems are amazing in their ability to support intelligent decisions, personalized actions, and more. According to some sources,…
Read More6+ Generative AI Applications in Talent Acquisition Today [Infographic]
Generative AI. It’s the topic in what seems like every conference agenda, presentation, and headline today. But so much of it is focused on things like ChatGPT and Google’s Gemini (formerly Google Bard). However, there are a few “flavors” of generative AI being used by talent acquisition and HR teams today: Off-the-shelf public systems like…
Read MoreCase Study Report: The Value of Company Culture in the Age of AI
In a world where technology reigns supreme, we must not forget the heart of our organizations—the culture. The beating heart of company culture guides our values, beliefs, and actions towards a higher purpose. Fulfillment, communication, trust, and diversity form the cornerstones of a transformative culture that fuels growth and fulfillment in the workplace. By championing…
Read MoreHiring Assessments: Do Employers and Candidates See Eye to Eye? [Infographic]
Updated January 2024 with new data from Q3 2023 Hiring assessments have gone through many iterations and evolutions since the days I was using them to screen high potential hires during my recruiting days. I remember having to stop the hiring process, send candidates a separate link to create an account and complete an assessment,…
Read More2023 Recap: A Turbulent Year with Significant M&A Changes in the HR Technology Market
Our annual reporting on M&A in the HR technology space is one of our most popular pieces of content year after year (see our 2022 version here). We look at some of the many announcements that happen over the course of the year, flag some key ones, and identify any big trends that seem to…
Read MoreThe Evolution of Pay Equity and Transparency in the Modern Workplace [Infographic]
Increasingly, our research is showing that pay equity and pay transparency are critically linked. In other words, employers that score highly in one will typically score highly in the other, and vice versa. That’s because as the market has shifted in recent years, we’ve seen a clear connection between transparency and openness on compensation and…
Read MoreWhat is the Complexity Coefficient and Does it Apply to Your Organization?
In our research on high-performing organizations, the term “complexity coefficient” is one that we use to describe companies that are outliers from the standpoint of investment into HR operations. What exactly is this coefficient, and why is it a crucial factor in organizational management? In essence, the complexity coefficient describes a phenomenon where an organization’s…
Read MoreShould You Expect Candidate Data with Your Next Recruiting Technology Purchase?
Several years back, economist and human behavioral science expert Dan Ariely ran an experiment on options and choices (one of hundreds of experiments he’s run over the years). He found that when you offer just two choices, people are more rational and split their attention between the premium and inexpensive options. But if you offer…
Read MoreThe Next Generation of Talent Rises and Falls on Potential [New Report]
Can I be transparent for a moment? Earlier this year, the team at Plum reached out to us about writing a piece for a different audience than we typically reach. Instead of targeting enterprise talent leaders, HR professionals, and business leaders, we were reaching out to students, recent graduates, and job seekers. We are helping…
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