Your Brain On Change Management – Google’s Travis Hahler On We’re Only Human
“One of the things that I find most fascinating about using neuroscience in the [change management] work that I do is that there’s a lot of really common misconceptions about neuroscience.” Travis Hahler, Google
We’re Only Human – Episode 94
What is neuroscience and why should we be thinking about it as HR and business leaders? Neuroscience is the study of how the brain works, how we make decisions, and what drives our behaviors.
If we can understand some of the underlying evidence and contributing factors, we can change behaviors of the people we work with. It sounds easier than it is, but using neuroscience principles to guide these changes can lead to powerful outcomes. In today’s discussion, Travis Hahler from Google talks with Ben about some of the elements of brain science that fit into change management and behavior modification.
This interview was recorded during the first ever virtual reality conference for HR leaders, the Global HR Summit, in September 2020.
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Human Resource Data Analyst of Lighthouse Research and Advisory. Four years HR experience in the Alabama Army National Guard. Graduated from the University of Alabama in Huntsville with a Masters of Management Science in Human Resource Management in 2019. Current student in the Masters of Science in Business Analytics program.