Engaging and Developing your Remote Workforce: Winning the Productivity Game [HR Tech Roundtable]
Recently I wrote about a new series of events we’re supporting called the HR Tech Roundtable. We have another coming up and I’d like to personally invite you to join us for the experience.
Right now our team is doing an analysis of several different research studies exploring what’s happening and what’s next in the talent market. We will be releasing this very soon, but what we’ve found is that many HR leaders are looking for ways to connect and engage with each other during this critical time to understand what’s working, what’s not, and how to adapt to a changing environment.
Because of that, many events have sprung up in the last two months to try and address this, but many of them fail to achieve that goal.
Well, we often use live, in-person events as an opportunity to talk with other leaders, network, and build connections that we can rely on for future conversations, but it’s much harder to do that in a virtual format, so many events just ignore it and focus instead on the content.
Not us.
Last month our team had a chance to teach, network, and grow with a group of HR leaders at the HR Tech Roundtable virtual event. We are excited about the next iteration of this innovative, engaging experience coming up on August 20th from 2-3:30 Eastern/11-12:30 Pacific. This event includes a short keynote, a series of case studies, and a virtual interactive roundtable.
Read on below to see how you can get the case studies from our first event and see what we’re covering at the next event.
What We Covered in June
The June event featured two amazing case studies exploring how today’s employers are using modern technology to support their talent needs:
- How Climate Control Group Leveraged Technology to Impact the Bottom Line
- How Accenture Achieved 295% ROI Through a Skills Enablement Platform
If you’d like to get those two case studies along with my keynote session: Training for Adaptability-The Human Skills AI Can’t Replace, we will send those to you just for signing up for the session in August.
What We’re Planning for August
The August 20th event is shaping up to be another great experience. In one 90-minute session you’ll get:
- A fireside chat hosted by me featuring Christopher Lind, Head of Global Digital Learning at GE
- A short keynote exploring how AI and machine learning technologies can enhance productivity and engagement
- Our case studies on talent acquisition, workplace culture, and more
- Roundtable conversations and/or a closing session to wrap up the event
If you’re hoping to understand more about how HR technology plays a role in the work we do from an HR perspective and how it can support better outcomes, this is the event for you.
I hope to see you there!
Ben Eubanks is the Chief Research Officer at Lighthouse Research & Advisory. He is an author, speaker, and researcher with a passion for telling stories and making complex topics easy to understand.
His latest book Talent Scarcity answers the question every business leader has asked in recent years: “Where are all the people, and how do we get them back to work?” It shares practical and strategic recruiting and retention ideas and case studies for every employer.
His first book, Artificial Intelligence for HR, is the world’s most-cited resource on AI applications for hiring, development, and employee experience.
Ben has more than 10 years of experience both as an HR/recruiting executive as well as a researcher on workplace topics. His work is practical, relevant, and valued by practitioners from F100 firms to SMB organizations across the globe.
He has spoken to tens of thousands of HR professionals across the globe and enjoys sharing about technology, talent practices, and more. His speaking credits include the SHRM Annual Conference, Seminarium International, PeopleMatters Dubai and India, and over 100 other notable events.