We’re Only Human 83: Balancing Candidate Experience and Objective Hiring With AI
“The assessment traditionally has seemed a bit disconnected from the job role. This can come across as friction. You’ve worked hard to find a candidate and you want them to join–this can seem disjointed.”
Jora Gill, SHL
Hiring is a balancing act. We want to drive candidates into the funnel, create positive experiences, and bring the best candidates into the organization, but we also need data to help make the right choice. While AI has been challenged for its impact on hiring, new evidence shows that it can help to minimize erroneous decisions. In this conversation, Ben talks with Jora Gill from SHL about how assessments can be blended into the hiring process for better, more objective decision-making without sacrificing candidate experience.
Learn more about SHL at http://shl.com

Human Resource Data Analyst of Lighthouse Research and Advisory. Four years HR experience in the Alabama Army National Guard. Graduated from the University of Alabama in Huntsville with a Masters of Management Science in Human Resource Management in 2019. Current student in the Masters of Science in Business Analytics program.