Greetings! We recently completed our Modern Measures of Success in Talent Acquisition study, a research initiative designed to help us understand how companies are measuring their talent acquisition activities. This executive summary is a preview of the broader research paper that is coming soon and covers three of the underlying trends that affect all organizations across the board. Key findings in the report:

  • One in five companies are not tracking any overall recruiting metrics.
  • 61% of organizations are either near-sighted or tactically focused in their talent acquisition measurement practices.
  • More than half of talent acquisition leaders say they are using manual processes to gather, report, and analyze performance data.

In short, it’s a challenging world out there when it comes to measuring recruiting efforts, but you’re not in this alone. The purpose of the research is to help organizations understand how to improve their existing processes and measurement practices, so please share any feedback with us if this is helpful or if you need additional insights. If you have an interesting story to tell, we really like hearing those as well.


Click here to download the Executive Summary: Barriers to Talent Acquisition Measurement in PDF format